Well That's Life
Life really is the perfect title for this blog. So in my life, I have always wanted success in just about everything that I do. I know that’s a crazy way of thinking but I guess my dad was pretty hard on me growing up. I had been going to college for a couple of years and I started back in 2012. I was doing so good. I had been studying public health and I was 100% set on it. I had a full ride scholarship and I had quite the savings for someone my age especially since I had 2 other scholarships on top of the full ride. So I was getting paid to go to school. During that time in my life, I received a very strong prompting from the Holy Ghost that I needed to serve a mission. I myself did not want to go. I thought to myself it's only the men that serve missions and the women don't have to go. So I kept avoiding it over and over until finally, Heavenly Father let me have it. I truly knew then that I needed to go. Well, to say the least, there went all of my life savings. I went on my mission and it was the best experience of my life. It helped me grow in ways that I could have never imagined. So typically after a mission everyone thinks that’s sweet you did the right thing now you’re life will be awesome and you’ll be so blessed. Hahaha yeah that’s sounds great but hahaha I wish. So I got back from my mission and was expecting that I would come back to a life like the one I had before. However, that was not the case. I got back and my life was very different. I did not have the awesome savings I had before and I had lost all of my scholarships and I was unable to go back to my last college because I was considered out of state and that was too expensive to afford. So while on my mission I had decided to go to school at Brigham Young University and I applied. At first, I was turned down and they responded something along the lines of “we have too many students apply for next year” and I’m thinking to myself “WHAT! You’re telling me you ran out of space. How is that even possible?!?!? It’s a University!” Anyhow, I reapplied for next year and was accepted. I went to Brigham Young University and got a grant for school but not enough like what I was used to and had to pay part of it out of pocket working a part-time job. That was actually really hard for me. I was barely having enough money left over to eat or buy myself some nice clothes. Luckily my job had a cafeteria where we could eat with meal tickets that I had saved when I was working full time so I was still able to get my clothes hahaha. I went to school for about 2 years there, then I met my husband. After my husband and I had been married I began to realize what it was that I actually wanted to be. I wanted to study Graphic Design and so I checked how long it would be for me to graduate and well it looks like since it was a whole different field than what I had been studying that it would be like starting all over again. I didn't like that and I was very sad about it. I thought to myself I’ll finish this semester I'm on and then switch majors that way I get started now rather than later. Then my husband and I found out that we were expecting. I got horrible morning sickness the entire pregnancy and had to drop my classes. Again devastated about school but so thrilled to be starting a family with my husband. So life had happened... I kept thinking if I had gone to school later I would know what I wanted to be and not wasted so many years trying to figure out what I wanted to do or if I had not gone on my mission then I would have a career already and I would be so well off and have a financially stable life but in the end I couldn’t change my life and I had not made any critical life choices that I thought would ruin my life. I felt like every choice I had made had been the right choice, not the small stuff of course. Still saying that I wasn’t happy. It took some time for me to accept that. My daughter is coming up on 5 months and I finished my mission in 2015 and I feel like today I finally accepted that life is not going to be the way that I had planned it before the mission. There is someone higher than I who is steering my family and me on the path that we should go. I will admit it was hard for me to accept that and I can't believe it took me so long but I know it's true. I hope this helps anyone who may need a good outlook on life. I know it may seem that something is not working out but it may just be the beginning of something better. There's a plan for all of us and we need to trust that it will work out. It may take longer than we want but that's okay.